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/// Online Mediation

We make cross border disputes easy to solve


Mediation is an alternative extrajudicial way of resolving disputes with remarkable effectiveness and success rates that reach 90% worldwide. It is a process where a neutral mediator, accredited by the Ministry of Justice facilitates the parties of a dispute to find a mutually acceptable solution and to avoid court proceedings. Mediation is based on the national and European legislation (EU Directive 2008/52, national Greek Law 3898/2010), has many advantages and simple Rules of Procedure.

Long distance resolution

The typical form of mediation requires a venue where the process will take place and physical presence of the parties involved and the mediator. But what if there are long distances, cross border disputes, parties which do not wish to be together in the same mediation room? This is where online mediation comes into play. The fact that we can transfer and conduct the whole process on the web. The fact that we have the option of respecting the choice of the parties, the mediator, their lawyers and technical advisers to be each of them at his own place.


In any process it is very important to make proper use of the terms. There is a false impression that the term ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) applies to any e-settlement process. This is certainly not the case. The term ADR reflects all alternative resolution procedures (Alternative Dispute Resolution). The proper term for e-mediation is online mediation and not ODR. The term ODR is used for sophisticated dispute resolution systems. So, mediation through Skype is not ODR!

Technological skills

Handling electronic mediation processes require skills in two different levels. It requires mediation and technology skills, as well as their functional combination. Those who decide to handle mediation cases online should have a good command of the tools used for e- settlement. ODReurope offers training and information programs, online webinars and workshops, many of which are completely FREE of charge. Get the knowledge you need from the experts!


ODReurope participated in a research evaluation panel of video conferencing systems for the selection of the most comprehensive medium for conducting online mediations, the conclusions of which were presented at the Werner's Institute Cyberweek. The ZOOM platform was ranked first. And that's the one we use! Learn more by clicking the icon below

Mediations services

Thousands of companies and individuals all over the world use mediation services to solve simple and complex civil, commercial, banking, insurance, financial, workplace, family, property and other disputes. It is on these quality and organizational standards of foreign ADR centers that the Negotiations, Mediation and Online Dispute Resolution Centre ODReurope has been established and operate in Greece.


The world of e-settlement is exciting. It generates however, some questions! This is what we in ODReurope are here for. To provide answers. CONTACT us and become part of this "smart" new world.

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